9 min readDec 17, 2020


Assalammualaikum and hello to everyone who is reading this. Thankyou for spend your time to read my first ever blog. My name is Nazhan Nafiz Bin Nazlan. I live in Banting, Selangor. I’m such an introvert and I would like to not to tell more about my family because I think that was a privacy thing that I need to keep it by myself. By the way, hope you enjoyed reading this blog and have a wonderful day ahead!

Basically, UED 102 is like a course where it opens up a student’s mind towards basic academic skills like setting the right goals, memory strategies, how to take lecture notes, etc. After taking this course, students should begin their personal study skills portfolio like mine.

UED102 | Course Summary
Chapter 1: Getting ready to learn
Chapter 2: Goal setting
Chapter 3: Time management
Chapter 4: Getting to know the campus
Chapter 5: Memory, learning and improving concentration
Chapter 6: Taking lecture notes
Chapter 7: Academic integrity and performance.

Chapter 1| Making The Transition (school → university)
Honestly, I feel very happy when get offered to continue studying at UiTM Segamat, Johor. However, I feel a little sad because I worry about the burden that has to be borne especially when conducting classes online. Not easy at first when attending classes and meeting new friends online but becoming easy once you get to know each other. The change from high school to university level is still not felt due to the current pandemic.

Chapter 1 | Characteristics of Successful Students
1. Accept Responsibility. You see yourself as primarily responsible for your outcomes and experiences.
2. Are Self-Motivated. Find purpose in what you do by discovering personally meaningful goals and dreams.
3. Are Interdependent. Build mutually supportive relationships that help you achieve your goals and dreams (while helping others do the same).
4. Believe in Yourself. See yourself as a capable, lovable, and unconditionally worthy human being.
5. Master Self-Management. Plan and take action in pursuit of your goals and dreams.
6. Have Self-Awareness. Consciously think, believe, and behave in ways that keep you on course.
7. Believe in Life-Long Learning. Look for lessons in all of your experiences.


Chapter 1| Using Learning Style To Enhance Performance
There are four styles of learning which is auditory, visual, somatic, and reflective. These styles are determined by taking the learning style test that can be accessed on many websites in Google or any search engine for free.

After taking the learning style test provided by my lecturer I have found out that my learning style is somatic learners. I really like to doing and moving besides taking some notes and doing exercise. When I do it practically, it make me easier to remember what just I have learned.

Chapter 2 | Setting Goal For The New Semester
What I learn in this chapter is, we need to use effective way to create goal. The effective way is to use S.M.A.R.T. What is that?

S- Specific
A specific goal should clearly state what you want to accomplish, why it is an important goal, and how you intend to accomplish the goal.

M- Measurable
- Include clear criteria to measure your progress.
- At the end of your study session, you’ll be able to determine whether you did what you planned to do.

A- Attainable
- Goals should be achievable — you can determine whether you reached.
- You begin to figure out ways you can make them come true.
- Inspiring, meaningful, challenging enough to motivates people to do it and succeed.

R- Relevant
- Make goals that are important.

T- Time Based
- Goals need to have a limited time frame.
- Set specific time/deadlines to complete your goals.


Chapter 2 | Writing Effective Goal Statements
While I’m using SMART, I divided my goal into two part which is academic goals for my studies and personal goals for my personal life.

1. Specific
- Graduate with 4.0 CGPA every semester in all subjects.
- Continue computer science course until degree.
2. Measurable
- Work on one task at a time.
- Spend 3 hours (9pm-12am) everyday to study and doing some exercise.
3. Attainable
- Don’t put high expectation on some difficult subjects.
- Study and doing more exercise to achieve great marks.
- Be rational at my studies.
4. Relevant
- Limit my time study within 3 hours per day.
- Target in some subjects that are easy to score.
5. Time Based
- Complete a degree within 5 years.
- Earn a professional certificate.

Find a new friends in new environment.
- Build a strong network with society.
- Lose weight and become healthier.
2. Measurable
- Think positive to stay focused.
- Manage my time to study.
- Eat breakfast everyday.
- Help people who in need.
3. Attainable
- Research food calories before meals.
- Put myself at the first place in every single situations.
4. Relevant
- Take sweets a day a week.
- Be good with contacts only.
5. Time Based
- Become fit in 2 years study.
- Learning something new everyday.


Chapter 2| Using the Learning Management System
Learning Management System (LMS) work by providing a virtual learning space for students to access resources, speak with their teachers, host discussions with their peers and assess their progress.


Chapter 3 | Time Management
In this chapter, I learned that we need to manage time perfectly. This is because time is the most important key to success. I start make my own study schedule and it make me feel great because I just realize that I have a lot of time. Always ask this question on your mind:

Why do we need time management?
- To save time
- To reduce stress
- To function effectively
- To increase our work output
- To have more control over our job responsibilities

How to use time effectively?
- Effective planning
- Setting goals & objectives
- Setting deadlines
- Delegation of responsibilities
- Prioritizing activities as per their importance
- Spending the right time on the right activity

Based on the question above, we can realize that we need to do something with our own time. Most of the mistake from students is when they think that they have a lot of time. So, how to manage time?

- Use a weekly schedule
- Use a daily planner
- Use a semester calendar
- Balance academic with social and personal
- Avoid procrastination

Chapter 4 | Making the Most of College Resources


Following the pandemic that is happening around the world at this time, the opportunity for me as a new student to go to campus in Segamat is still not felt. There is a bit of regret but still able to accept the reality openly. Following that, my friend and I only saw the Segamat campus in online. I was very excited to see the infrastructure and all the facilities there.

I would also like to meet my lecturer who is currently on campus. Learning atmosphere with friends is very important to me because sometimes I need the help of friends to learn. There is no denying that among the advantages of having online classes is being able to connect with distant friends, but it is a little difficult for me to contact with them.

Now, let’s take a look at what’s interesting on the Segamat campus.

Chapter 5| Understanding Memory Process

What is memory?
Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain, and later retrieve information. There are three major processes involved in memory: encoding, storage, and retrieval.

Human memory involves the ability to both preserve and recover information we have learned or experienced. As we all know, however, this is not a flawless process. Sometimes we forget or misremember things. Sometimes things are not properly encoded in memory in the first place.

Memory problems can range from minor annoyances like forgetting where you left your car keys to major diseases, like Alzheimer’s and other kinds of dementia, that affect the quality of life and the ability to function.

The study of human memory has been a subject of science and philosophy for thousands of years and has become one of the major topics of interest within cognitive psychology.

How forgetting could occur?
- Did not pay attention to the information
- Did not understand the information
- Cramming (Last minute study)
- Did not have good strategies
- Interference (Having 2 exams on the same day)

Chapter 5 | Memories Strategies
Memories strategies will help us in our encoding, storing and retrieving the information (help to remember and recall). Kenneth Higbee once said “remembering is hard work, and memory technique is necessarily make it easy, they just make it more effective.”(Van Blerkom, 2009, p.93.)


Chapter 5 | Concentration

Lack attention
- Lack motivation
- Distractions
- Uncomfortable
- Illness
- Anxieties

Use motivational strategies — create interest
- Create a positive learning environment — better location, reduce multitasking, minimize distractions
- Use active learning strategies
- Monitor your concentration


Chapter 5 | Reading / Study System (SQ3R)

Research method used for collecting data from a predefined group of respondents to gain information and insights into various topics of interest. They can have multiple purposes, and researchers can conduct it in many ways depending on the methodology chosen and the study’s goal. In the year 2020, research is of extreme importance, and hence it’s essential for us to understand the benefits of social research for a target population using the right survey tool.

Always create at least one question while you read , so that your mind will always find the answer and you will know how much you understand about the topics.

The process of looking at a series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When we read, we use our eyes to receive written symbols (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and we use our brain to convert them into words, sentences and paragraphs that communicate something to us.

- Summarize and rephrase the paragraph .
- Make a short note or try to memories .
- Recall and memorize important notes.

Do the revision .
- Look back at the note and make sure that you already remember it.
- Short and clear notes will be kept in the long-term memory.

Chapter 6 | Taking lecturer notes

The 5 Rs of notetaking
1. Record: Write all meaningful information
2. Reduce: After the lecture, write some summary or facts using keywords
3. Recite: Recite all the information using your own word
4. Reflect: Think about your own ideas and opinion
5. Review: Before reading new material, take time to review all your older notes

Note-taking strategies

  1. Get ready
    a) For textbook readings
    - Read through table of contents
    - Read preface
    - Read the conclusion
    - Table or graph the infromations
    - Ask yourself question
    - Turn the titles into question (Learning Method → What is learning method?)
    b) For lecture notes
    - Go over syllabus before class
    - Complete the assigned readings
    - Review notes
  2. Take notes
    a) Basic strategies
    - Record the important information
    - Structure note based on the textbook
    - Keep using hierarchy reading
    - Highlight your notes using different colour
    - Keep the notes organized
    - Create abbreveations to save time

Chapter 7 | Academic Integrity & Perfomance

In this topic, we learn about “What is plagiarism?”.


Plagiarism is when you use someone else’s words or ideas without crediting the source and pass them of as your own. Basically, plagiarism has 5 different type of it.

1.Verbatim plagiarism — directly copy & paste text without citing the author.
2. Patchwork plagiarism — copy phrases or ideas from different sources.
3.Paraphrasing plagiarism — copy text and rewrote in your own words.
4.Global plagiarism — take someone else’s work entirely and use as your own.
5.Self plagiarism — recycling ideas from previous assignment.

How to avoid plagiarism?
1. Keep track of your sources.
2. Quote and paraphrases.
3. Use a plagiarism checker




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